COVID-19 Guidance

Guidance to Special Groups - Churches

Main Points

  • This is a precautionary measure to reduce the risk of community spread of COVID19 in the interest of public health and safety e. CONTAINMENT.
  • Stay at least 2 metres (6ft.) away from other people if possible (Social distancing)
  • Encourage hand washing regularly for at least 20 seconds with soap and water (use hand sanitizer only when soap and water are not readily available with at least 70% alcohol content).
  • Cover coughs and sneezes with your elbow, or use disposable tissue/napkins (dispose of same responsibly, and ensure hand washing with soap and water/hand sanitizer after).
  • Vulnerable individuals, such as the elderly and those with underlying health conditions are prone to be affected more severely. These persons are advised to worship from home. They should also avoid mass gatherings and take extra precuations.
  • The most common symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are recent onset of: continuous cough and/or fever, shortness of breath.

*For most individuals, coronavirus (COVID-19) will be a mild infection

Congregational Procedures

The following precautionary measures are recommended:

  • Consider reducing number of services/ meetings held per week.
  • Hugging, handshakes, handholding and any such close contact should be eliminated.
  • Offering baskets/plates should be stationary.
  • Holy water stoops should be emptied
  • Access to hand sanitizer should be available near entrance(s). Ushers should encourage persons to sanitize their hands on entry and and exiting.
  • Baptism/Holy Communion/Lord’s Supper is recommended to be poured from a vessel instead of a common pool.
  • Use of Common cup (communion is advised against)
  • There should be no feet washing during this time.
  • Open-air ventilation is encouraged.
  • Persons should be asked to stand at their seat for prayer/altar call instead of congregating at the altar.
  • Ill members, especially with cough or flu-like symptoms should worship from home.
  • All bathrooms must be equipped with soap, water, disposable napkins and garbage bins.
  • Microphone should remain stationary instead of passing from hand to hand; should be cleaned before and after service.
  • Areas such as doorknobs, chair arms, pews, microphones, rails, lecterns, counters which are frequently touched by persons, must be sanitized before and after the service.
  • Environmental Health Department guidelines for cleaning should be followed.
  • Avoid travelling at this time.
  • Rest, moderate exercise, healthy diet, immune boosters: vitamins, ginger, turmeric etc. should all be incorporated to enhance overall health.

Recommended sanitizing solutions include: disinfectant, diluted bleach solution, or >70% alcohol solution.

As the COVID-19 situation continues to develop, the Ministry of Health will provide updates if any additional precautions are recommended.

Guidance on Use of Medical Masks in the Context of COVID-19

Importance of masks and respirators

Masks and respirators (personal respiratory protective devices) are essential during the COVID- 19 outbreak. Surgical masks and respirators both act as a barrier that catches hazardous materials before they enter a healthy person’s mouth or nose. They help slow the spread of the disease and protect health care providers. Both masks and respirators need to be used in combination with appropriate eye protection (e.g., face shield, goggles) to achieve full protection of the eyes, nose and mouth.

There are a number of different types of masks and respirators. They each have a particular use in a particular setting.

N95 respirators for medical applications

N95 respirators (or particulate filtering face-piece respirators).

N95 respirators achieve a minimum filtration efficiency of 95% when worn properly. The edges of the mask form a seal around the nose and mouth. N95 respirators (not medical masks) are designed to reduce the risk of inhaling hazardous airborne particles and aerosols.

N95 respirators are produced in many different styles, such as cup-style (see image), flat fold or duckbill. They may or may not have an exhalation valve.

In a healthcare setting, N95 respirators protect against exposure to respiratory viruses and bacteria.

The U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) evaluates, tests and certifies N95 respirators. The masks must pass minimum performance requirements, such as filter efficiency and breathing resistance

Masks (surgical, procedure or medical masks)

Masks, for example surgical masks, are worn by operating room personnel during surgical procedures (see image). They protect both the patient and operating room staff from the transfer of micro-organisms, body fluids and particulate material.

Unlike N95 respirators, masks are looser in fit. As a result, they do not provide the same level of filtration.

COVID-19 and HIV

COVID-19 and HIV

The limited data currently available do not indicate that the disease course of COVID-19 in persons with HIV differs from that in persons without HIV. However, some people with HIV have other comorbidities (e.g., cardiovascular disease or lung disease) that increase the risk for a more severe course of COVID-19 illness.

Chronic smokers are also at risk of more severe disease. Thus, until more is known, additional caution for all persons with HIV, especially those with advanced HIV or poorly controlled HIV, is warranted.

Are people living with HIV at higher risk of COVID-19?

At the present time, we have no specific information about the risk of COVID-19 in people with HIV. The risk from immune suppression is not known, but with other viral respiratory infections, the risk for people with HIV getting very sick is greatest in:

  • People with a low CD4 cell count, and
  • People not on HIV treatment (antiretroviral therapy or ART).

People with HIV can also be at increased risk of getting very sick with COVID-19 based on their age and other medical conditions.

What can people with HIV do to protect themselves from COVID-19?

There is currently no vaccine to prevent COVID-19. The best way to prevent getting sick is to avoid exposure to the virus. People with HIV should take everyday precautions and preventative measures to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. People with HIV should also continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

This includes:

  • Eating right,
  • Getting at least 8 hours of sleep, and
  • Reducing stress.

Staying healthy helps your immune system fight off infection should it occur. If you have HIV and are taking your HIV medicine, it is important to continue your treatment and follow the advice of your health care provider. This is the best way to keep your immune system healthy.

What should I do if I think I have COVID-19

Call your COVID 19 hotline on 649-333-0911 or 649- 232-9444 if you develop symptoms that could be consistent with COVID-19. Discuss how to get evaluated and how to avoid potentially exposing others to COVID-19.

Learn more about COVID-19 and what to do if you are sick

What can persons with HIV who are at higher risk for contracting COVID-19 do

Steps that people with HIV can take to prepare in addition to what is recommended for everybody:

  • Make sure you have at least a 30-day supply of your HIV medicine and any other medications or medical supplies you need for managing HIV.
  • Talk to your health care provider and make sure all your vaccinations are up-to-date.
  • Establish a plan for clinical care if you have to stay at home for a couple of weeks. Make sure you can communicate with your provider by phone or text.
  • Make sure you can maintain a social network remotely, such as online, by phone, or by video chat. This can help you stay socially connected and mentally healthy, which is especially important for people with HIV.
  • People with HIV can sometimes be more likely than others to need extra help, from friends, family, neighbors, community health workers, and others. If you become sick make sure you stay in touch by phone or email with people who can help you.

Can HIV medication (ART) be taken to treat COVID-19?

There are no data available yet from clinical trials that these drugs help people with COVID-19. People with HIV should not switch their HIV medicine in an attempt to prevent or treat COVID-19.

 Should people with HIV travel at this time?

 It is recommended that only essential travel is taken at this time.


Source: CDC

Workplace Preparedness

Simple ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in your workplace

The low-cost measures below will help prevent the spread of infections in your workplace, such as colds, flu and stomach bugs, and protect your customers, contractors and employees. Employers should start doing these things now, even if COVID-19 has not arrived in the communities where they operate. They can already reduce working days lost due to illness and stop or slow the spread of COVID-19 if it arrives at one of your workplaces.

  • Make sure your workplaces are clean and hygienic
  • Surfaces (e.g. desks and tables) and objects (e.g. telephones, keyboards) need to be wiped with disinfectant regularly
  • Why? Because contamination on surfaces touched by employees and customers is one of the main ways that COVID-19 spreads
  • Promote regular and thorough hand-washing by employees, contractors and customers
  • Put sanitizing hand rub dispensers in prominent places around the workplace. Make sure these dispensers are regularly refilled
  • Display posters promoting hand-washing – contact the Ministry of Health for these or view our communications resources to download and print resources.
  • Combine this with other communication measures such as offering guidance from occupational health and safety officers, briefings at meetings and information on workplace intranets to promote hand-washing
  • Make sure that staff, contractors and customers have access to places where they can wash their hands with soap and water
  • Why? Because washing kills the virus on your hands and prevents the spread of COVID19
  • Promote good respiratory hygiene in the workplace
  • Display posters promoting respiratory hygiene. Combine this with other communication measures such as offering guidance from occupational health and safety officers, briefing at meetings and information on workplace intranets, etc.
  • Ensure that face masks1 and/or paper tissues are available at your workplaces, for those who develop a runny nose or cough at work, along with closed bins for hygienically disposing of them
  • Why? Because good respiratory hygiene prevents the spread of COVID-19
  • Advise employees and contractors to consult national travel advice before going on business trips.
  • Brief your employees, contractors and customers that if COVID-19 starts spreading in your community anyone with even a mild cough or low-grade fever (100.4 F/38 C or more) needs to stay at home. They should also stay home (or work from home) if they have had to take simple medications, such as paracetamol/acetaminophen, ibuprofen or aspirin, which may mask symptoms of infection
  • Keep communicating and promoting the message that people need to stay at home even if they have just mild symptoms of COVID-19.
  • Display posters with this message in your workplaces. Combine this with other communication channels commonly used in your organization or business.
  • Your occupational health services or other partners may have developed campaign materials to promote this message
  • Make clear to employees that they will be able to count this time off as sick leave as prescribed under the law.
  1. How to manage COVID-19 risk when organizing meetings & events

Why do employers and organizers need to think about COVID-19?

Organizers of meetings and events need to think about the potential risk from COVID-19 because:

  • There is a risk that people attending your meeting or event might be unwittingly bringing the COVID-19 virus to the meeting. Others might be unknowingly exposed to COVID-19.
  • While COVID-19 is a mild disease for most people, it can make some very ill. Around 1 in every 5 people who catch COVID-19 needs hospital treatment. Key considerations to prevent or reduce COVID-19 risks BEFORE the meeting or event
  • Check the advice from the Ministry of Health in the community where you plan to hold the meeting or event. Follow their advice.
  • Develop and agree a preparedness plan to prevent infection at your meeting or event.
  • Consider whether a face-to-face meeting or event is needed. Could it be replaced by a teleconference or online event?
  • Could the meeting or event be scaled down so that fewer people attend?
  • Ensure and verify information and communication channels in advance with key partners such as public health and health care authorities.
  • Pre-order sufficient supplies and materials, including tissues and hand sanitizer for all participants. Have surgical masks available to offer anyone who develops respiratory symptoms.
  • Actively monitor where COVID-19 is circulating. Advise participants in advance that if they have any symptoms or feel unwell, they should not attend.
  • Make sure all organizers, participants, caterers and visitors at the event provide contact details: mobile telephone number, email and address where they are staying. State clearly that their details will be shared with public health authorities if any participant becomes ill with a suspected infectious disease. If they will not agree to this, they cannot attend the event or meeting.
  • Develop and agree a response plan in case someone at the meeting becomes ill with symptoms of COVID-19 (dry cough, fever, malaise). This plan should include at least:
  • Identify a room or area where someone who is feeling unwell or has symptoms can be safely isolated
  • Have a plan for how they can be safely transferred from there to a health facility.
  • Know what to do if a meeting participant, staff member or service provider tests positive for COVID-19 during or just after the meeting
  • Agree the plan in advance with your partner healthcare provider or health department.

DURING the meeting or event

  • Provide information or a briefing, preferably both orally and in writing, on COVID-19 and the measures that organizers are taking to make this event safe for participants.
  • Build trust. For example, as an icebreaker, practice ways to say hello without touching.
  • Encourage regular hand-washing or use of an alcohol rub by all participants at the meeting or event
  • Encourage participants to cover their face with the bend of their elbow or a tissue if they cough or sneeze. Supply tissues and closed bins to dispose of them in.
  • Provide contact details or a health hotline numbers that participants can call for advice or to give information.
  • Display dispensers of alcohol-based hand rub prominently around the venue.
  • If there is space, arrange seats so that participants are at least one meter apart.
  • Open windows and doors whenever possible to make sure the venue is well ventilated.
  • If anyone who starts to feel unwell, follow your preparedness plan or call your hotline.

o Depending on the situation in your area, or recent travel of the participant, place the person in the isolation room. Offer the person a mask so they can get home safely, if appropriate, or to a designated assessment facility.

  • Thank all participants for their cooperation with the provisions in place.

AFTER the meeting

  1. Retain the names and contact details of all participants for at least one month. This will help public health authorities trace people who may have been exposed to COVID-19 if one or more participants become ill shortly after the event.
  2. If someone at the meeting or event was isolated as a suspected COVID-19 case, the organizer should let all participants know this. They should be advised to monitor themselves for symptoms for 14 days and take their temperature twice a day.
  3. If they develop even a mild cough or low-grade fever (i.e. a temperature of 37.3 C or more) they should stay at home and self-isolate. This means avoiding close contact (1 meter or nearer) with other people, including family members. They should also telephone their healthcare provider or the Coronavirus hotline, giving them details of their recent travel and symptoms.
  4. Thank all the participants for their cooperation with the provisions in place.
  5. Things to consider when you and your employees travel
  • Before traveling

    • Make sure your organization and its employees have the latest information on areas where COVID-19 is spreading. You can find this at
    • Based on the latest information, your organization should assess the benefits and risks related to upcoming travel plans.
    • Avoid sending employees who may be at higher risk of serious illness (e.g. older employees and those with medical conditions such as diabetes, heart and lung disease) to areas where COVID-19 is spreading.
    • Make sure all persons travelling to locations reporting COVID-19 are briefed by a qualified professional (e.g. staff health services, health care provider or Ministry of Health officials)
    • Consider issuing employees who are about to travel with small bottles (under 100 CL) of alcohol-based hand rub. This can facilitate regular hand-washing.
  • While traveling

    • Encourage employees to wash their hands regularly and stay at least one meter away from people who are coughing or sneezing
    • Ensure employees know what to do and who to contact if they feel ill while traveling. o Ensure that your employees comply with instructions from local authorities where they are traveling. If, for example, they are told by local authorities not to go somewhere they should comply with this. Your employees should comply with any local restrictions on travel, movement or large gatherings.

When you or your employees return from traveling:

  • Employees who have returned from an area where COVID-19 is spreading should monitor themselves for symptoms for 14 days and take their temperature twice a day.

  • If they develop even a mild cough or low grade fever (i.e. a temperature of 100.4 F/38 C or more) they should stay at home and self-isolate. This means avoiding close contact (one meter or nearer) with other people, including family members. They should also telephone their healthcare provider or the Coronavirus hotline, giving them details of their recent travel and symptoms.

  1. Getting your workplace ready in case COVID-19 arrives in your community
  • Develop a plan of what to do if someone becomes ill with suspected COVID-19 at your workplaces

    • The plan should cover putting the ill person in a room or area where they are isolated from others in the workplace, limiting the number of people who have contact with the sick person and contacting the Coronavirus hotline.
    • Consider how to identify persons who may be at risk, and support them, without inviting stigma and discrimination into your workplace. This could include persons who have recently travelled to an area reporting cases, or other personnel who have conditions that put them at higher risk of serious illness (e.g. diabetes, heart and lung disease, older age).
    • Tell the Ministry of Health that you are developing the plan and seek their input.
  • Promote regular teleworking across your organization. If there is an outbreak of COVID-19 in your community, the Ministry of Health may advise people to avoid public transport and crowded places. Teleworking will help your business keep operating while your employees stay safe.

  • Develop a contingency and business continuity plan for an outbreak in the communities where your business operates

    • The plan will help prepare your organization for the possibility of an outbreak of COVID19 in its workplaces or community. It may also be valid for other health emergencies
    • The plan should address how to keep your business running even if a significant number of employees, contractors and suppliers cannot come to your place of business - either due to local restrictions on travel or because they are ill.
    • Communicate to your employees and contractors about the plan and make sure they are aware of what they need to do – or not do – under the plan. Emphasize key points such as the importance of staying away from work even if they have only mild symptoms or have had to take simple medications (e.g. paracetamol, ibuprofen) which may mask the symptoms
    • Be sure your plan addresses the mental health and social consequences of a case of COVID-19 in the workplace or in the community and offer information and support.
    • For small and medium-sized businesses without in-house staff health and welfare support, develop partnerships and plans with your local health and social service providers in advance of any emergency.
    • Contact the Ministry of Health to find out what support and guidance they can offer you in developing your plan.


Now is the time to prepare for COVID-19. Simple precautions and planning can make a big difference. Action now will help protect your employees and your business.

How to stay informed:

Like and follow the Ministry of Health’s Facebook page for frequent updates; and continuing visiting our website regularly.

Find the latest information from WHO on where COVID-19 is spreading:

Advice and guidance from WHO on COVID-19

Support Older Adults

Community Support for Older Adults
  • Community preparedness planning for COVID-19 should include older adults and people with disabilities, and the organizations that support them in their communities, to ensure their needs are taken into consideration.

    • Many of these individuals live in the community, and many depend on services and supports provided in their homes or in the community to maintain their health and independence.

  • Long-term care facilities should be vigilant to prevent the introduction and spread of COVID-19.

Family and Caregiver Support
  • Know what medications your loved one is taking and see if you can help them have extra on hand.

  • Monitor food and other medical supplies (oxygen, incontinence, dialysis, wound care) needed and create a back-up plan.

  • Stock up on non-perishable food to have on hand in your home to minimize trips to stores.

  • If you care for a loved one living in a care facility, monitor the situation, ask about the health of the other residents frequently and know the protocol if there is an outbreak.