Quotations are invited from suitably qualified and experienced Contractors in possession of a valid Turks & Caicos Islands Business License and on the PWD Contractors Approved List for :

  • Summer Works To Doris Robinson  Primary School, Middle Caicos
  • Summer Works Adelaide Oemeler Primary School, North Caicos
  • Refurbishment works to Charles Hubert James Primary School, Kew, North Caicos
  • Summer Works Enid Capron Primary School, Providenciales
  • Summer Works To Raymond Gardiner High School North Caicos

Documents can be collected from the Public Works Department (PWD) Grand Turk and Providenciales office and all DC’s Offices in the family islands. Interested contractors can contact Mr. Anryn Malcolm, Public Works Department, Grand Turk Office for further information.

The Government is not liable to accept the lowest or any quotations offered.

Tenders should be submitted in a sealed envelope by 4:00 pm on 28th of July, clearly marked and address as follows:

  • Summer Works To Doris Robinson  Primary School, Middle Caicos
  • Summer Works Adelaide Oemeler Primary School, North Caicos
  • Refurbishment works to Charles Hubert James Primary School, Kew, North Caicos
  • Summer Works Enid Capron Primary School, Providenciales
  • Summer Works To Raymond Gardiner High School North Caicos

Director of P.W.D

South Base

Grand Turk

Turks & Caicos Islands

Note: The sealed envelope should not carry any identification mark indicating the sender of the envelope. This may result in immediate disqualification. Quotations that are received after the time and date mentioned will not be opened. So please try and get your quotations  to the  address above on time.

Tenders will be opened publicly the following day 29th of July 2014 at 10:00 a.m. Public Works Office Grand Turk.

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