Application for Boatmaster’s License
This form should be used when applying for a boatmaster’s License
Seafarers’ Documents Checklist
This checklist should be filled in and submitted with any application for Boatmaster’s License
Registration Documents Checklist
This checklist should be filled in and submitted with any application for registration of vessels
Application for Registration
These forms should be used when applying for registration of vessels
1. Application to Register a Ship
2. Appointment of authorized officer(s) for Body Corporation
3. Carving & Marking undertaking
8. Bill of Sale
Inspection Documents Checklist
This checklist should be filled in and submitted with any application for inspection of vessels
This form should be used when applying for inspection of vessels
Application for Ship VHF Radio License
This form should be used when applying for registration of vessels
This form shall be filled in and submitted by the owner or operator to the Department of Maritime (DMAR), within 14 days after the day of an accident that results in injury to a person who requires medical treatment beyond first aid, but no admittance to the hospital, or that causes minor property damage. If an accident results in a fatality, injury to a person who requires admittance to the hospital, or major property damage, the owner or operator shall report the accident to the local police as soon as possible, with a copy to the DMAR. See our Marine Casualties page for more information.