This segment displays the links to all the relevant trade-related Ordinances in the Turks and Caicos for your information:
Customs Ordinance | Customs | https://customs.gov.tc/webuploads/doclib/19.04%20Customs%20Ordinance.pdf |
Agriculture Regulation Ordinance 2023 | Agriculture | https://gov.tc/agc/component/edocman/1-of-2023-agriculture-regulation-ordinance-2023-2/viewdocument/2199?Itemid= |
Fisheries Protection Ordinance | Fisheries and Marine Resources | https://gov.tc/agc/component/edocman/10-08-fisheries-protection-ordinance/viewdocument/206?Itemid= |
All Inland Revenue Ordinances | Inland Revenue | https://www.gov.tc/revenue/publications |
Public & Environmental Health Ordinance | Environmental Health | http://online.fliphtml5.com/fizd/qbzt/#p=1 |
If the legal documents cannot be sourced using the above table, please note that all Turks and Caicos Departments and Agencies legislative documents can be sourced by visiting the specific department’s website. In the case that legislation cannot be located on the department’s website, all Turks and Caicos legislation can be found on the search engines within the Attorney General’s Chambers Website. This can be accessed via the clicking the following hyperlink - https://gov.tc/agc/laws/annual.