The ultimate goal of National Physical Sustainable Development Plan (NPSDP) is a vision for a sustainable future based on the aspirations and collaboration of government, the community, and public and private stakeholders. The overall vision of the NPSDP is to be based on both sustainability and growth while ensuring that the country’s land and other natural resources yield the greatest benefit to both present and future generations.
The Government of the Turks and Caicos has had the foresight to establish a Physical Planning Ordinance. The Physical Planning Ordinance sets the foundational legislation for the Planning Department and other governmental entities to regulate the planning and development within the Turks and Caicos Islands. The NPSDP will work with the guidelines and regulations of the Physical Planning Ordinance to further delineate where the country should continue to grow and where preservation is needed. As part of the national plan, there are several important sectors that need to be addressed. These sectors include tourism, agriculture, fishing, industry, services, and transportation.
The intent of the NPSDP is to strike a balance of economic, social, physical and environmental objectives that maintain the natural beauty and serenity of the islands while utilizing its natural resources in a sustainable manner, thereby providing for responsible development, growth and the foundation of the updated National Physical Sustainable Development Plan. EDSA, an international planning, landscape architecture and urban design firm that has worked in almost 100 countries in its six (6) decade history, assembled a team of international experts to assist the people, government, and stakeholders to prepare the 10-year National Physical Sustainable Development Plan. Blue Dolphin Research and Consulting will bring knowledge and skill as it relates to using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and physical attribute mapping.
Applied Technology and Management (ATM) will study and propose understanding of the TCI coastline and coastal resources. EDS will add local knowledge and considerations to the team as they relate to engineering and infrastructure. Lambert Advisory brings expertise in economic understanding at both large and small scales. TrafTech Engineering will examine the status of the traffic conditions and future alternatives on the islands. Zago Consulting adds expertise in the tourism industry, which is especially prevalent to the Turks and Caicos Islands.
Armed with this vision and building upon the existing information, the consultant team will review the data, define and develop a methodology for the process, and create land use suitability maps that will lead to a composite map defining the future preservation and development of the Turks and Caicos Islands.